center for true harmony wellness & Medicine

pregnancy spa services

Pregnancy Spa Services in Mesa, AZ

pregnancy spa services

The Center for True Harmony specializes in Pregnancy, Therapeutic, Medical, Myofascial, Myotherapy and Relaxation Massage. Utilize these therapies individually or in a combination session to get rid of all your body aches and pains, and keep them from coming back.

Pregnancy Massage

Assists with hormone balancing by stimulating glandular secretions to reduce depression and anxiety. Pregnancy induced symptoms such as fatigue, morning sickness, sciatica and water retention are relieved while local and general blood circulation is increased to bring more oxygen and nutrients to the cells of both baby and mother. Post Partum treatments will help the mother bounce back after the birth!

Infant Massage

There are many benefits of healthy touch for your baby. Not only will your baby feel loved and cared for but infant massage helps reduce colic and improve digestion and elimination. During this session you will learn how to do this special and delicate massage so your baby can continue to have the positive benefits whenever he or she is with you!


True Harmony has a specialized line of aromatherapy products to assist you during Pregnancy. GINGER OIL helps to combat nausea associated with early pregnancy. PERINEUM OIL to prepare the perineum for labor and delivery. This can help prevent tearing or the need for an episiotomy. Our BELLY BALM AND BREAST RUB helps keep skin supple and aid in the prevention of stretch marks.

Yoga Nidra

Come try this mindfulness meditation that is amazing for pregnant moms to find their inner still point. A valuable technique preparing pregnant women for birth. Doing this inner work allows moms to let go of any fear and find peace with their powerful birth intentions.

This is also an excellent practice for Post-Partum Mommies because it restores hormones back into Mom during the deep state of sleep increasing Serotonin levels in the brain which helps restore mood and memory.

Acupuncture for Pregnancy Discomforts

Our Naturopathic Physician can alleviate discomforts such as nausea, back pain, leg pain and edema that commonly occur with pregnancy as well discomforts associated with post-partum recovery.

Natural Methods of Induction

The Center for True Harmony recommends that pre-labor acupuncture and/or massage/reflexology begins at 38wks or 2 wks prior to due date (EDC).  For optimal results acupuncture and/or massage/reflexology treatments should be done at least 2 times a week.

There are no potential risks or side-effects to the infant or mother.  The down side to these treatments is that labor may not start immediately.  Acupuncture and massage/reflexology can be done in combination for added benefit or alone.

Massage/Reflexology for Natural Induction

Reflexology can help kick-start' labor.  If your labor has stalled or simply not clicked-in yet then reflexology can stimulates your body into committing to the process of labor quite effectively. Reflexology will also increase effectiveness of contractions and decrease labor time. Aromatherapy is also utilized to enhance the body's response.

Acupuncture for Natural Induction

Research has shown that Acupuncture during the late stage of pregnancy will improve cervical ripening, increase likelihood of spontaneous labor, decrease likelihood of C-section delivery, and decrease average labor time.

schedule your appointment today!