What does N.T stand for?
N.T. scan is the abbreviation for Nuchal Translucency ultrasound
What is the N.T ultrasound all about?
It is recommended to have a full bladder for this ultrasound as it will help your ultrasound tech see the N.T area and obtain it with accuracy. It's best to drink 32oz of water (liquid) at least 1 -1.5 hours prior to your ultrasound appointment. This noninvasive ultrasound scan can range from 20 to 30 minutes to obtain an accurate N.T measurement. Why? Great Question! The baby needs to be in a specific position, therefore patience is helpful during this time as your ultrasound tech is trying to obtain the most sufficient measurement of the N.T. If possible, try to dress comfortably for any ultrasound scan.
This scan is performed between the gestational age of 11 to 13weeks and 6 days. At this time, your baby will be about the size of a plum. The N.T measurement is found by measuring the thickness of fluid behind the baby's neck. By obtaining this measurement, the radiologist is able to help rule out possible chromosome abnormalities.
How to prepare yourself for this ultrasound?
It is recommended to have a full bladder for this ultrasound as it will help your ultrasound tech see the N.T area and obtain it with accuracy. It's best to drink 32oz of water (liquid) at least 1 -1.5 hours prior to your ultrasound appointment. This noninvasive ultrasound scan can range from 20 to 30 minutes to obtain an accurate N.T measurement. Why? Great Question! The baby needs to be in a specific position, therefore patience is helpful during this time as your ultrasound tech is trying to obtain the most sufficient measurement of the N.T. If possible, try to dress comfortably for any ultrasound scan.