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Natural Ways to Cope with Nausea in Pregnancy

Wellness & Medicine in Mesa, AZ

Natural Ways to Cope with Nausea in Pregnancy

Congratulations you’re pregnant!! And while you may be feeling pretty excited, physically you’re probably not feeling too wonderful! Nausea, food aversions, and vomiting are incredibly common in pregnancy, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy (before 13 weeks). There is a spectrum of what this may look like to people, ranging from feeling mildly queasy to vomiting multiple times a day. Thankfully, there are many tricks you can try to nip nausea in the bud, and many people are able to cope using natural methods. Here is a list of some of our favorites

  1. Ginger: Ginger is so helpful with nausea and comes in many forms including teas, chews, hard candies, capsules, or just fresh ginger. Ginger ale is not the best form of ginger as it is mostly sugar, and it is best to try and go with options that are as close to the real thing as you can get.
  2. Peppermint: Many people either consume peppermint or use peppermint essential oil
  3. Carbonated beverages: Though try to monitor sugar intake! Seltzer/sparkling water is a great option
  4. Eat small but frequent meals: Having 5-6 small meals throughout the day instead of 3 large meals helps keep your blood sugar in a normal range, and prevents the large spikes and drops that normally contribute to nausea. Make sure you keep snacks on hand if you’re going to work or planning to be out and about
  5. Acupressure bracelets: This consists of a bracelet with a plastic knob that goes over your P6 point. A brand that we commonly recommend is Sea-Bands, though any band geared towards nausea would work. Some options are electronic and can provide vibration to the pressure point.
  6. Switch your prenatal vitamin/when you take it: Sometimes morning sickness can prevent people from tolerating their prenatal vitamin. Consider switching brands or the time of day that you are taking it - it does not have to be taken at a specific time. If you are unable to take your prenatal vitamin completely, make sure you are still supplementing your folic acid at least 400 mcg/day (that on its own usually does not upset your stomach)
  7. Have a snack at your bedside: Having a cracker or ginger snap before getting out of bed in the morning may be helpful, since many people feel the worst when their stomach is empty.
  8. Eat what you can: Obviously it is important to try to maintain a healthy, balanced diet, but during the first trimester just eat whatever your body will tolerate. Even if it is only saltines and pretzels! Try to incorporate protein when you can (it will help you feel better in the long run), but overall you will have time to establish healthy eating habits when you are past this first trimester.

For additional supplements or medications to help cope with nausea, talk with your provider at your prenatal appointment!

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