Moving quickly from our day to day responsibilities can be cumbersome. "Did I remember to take the dogs for a walk?"
"Man, I swear I just had my wallet and now I can't seem to find it anywhere."
"I'm going to be late for work! But I can't go unless I complete my reports for presentation! What am I going to do?"
In transition from task to task, duty to duty, we forget the significance of taking a moment to reflect, just be, and BREATHE. Beyond just the moment of mental clarity, it has a slew of physical aides. If you're like a lot of Americans that hold their tension resulting in pain in your upper back, between the eyes, lower neck, breathing can help! Let's take a moment together to breathe through the pain. Pain that can be stimulated by severe amounts of stress, and anxiety. Deep breaths can increase your energy and decrease your blood pressure. Exhaling fully and deeply can also assist in your posture, helping back issues. Additionally it's known to help digestion.
If for the sake of all this message does, is make you think twice about moving so quickly from prompt duty fulfillment, then it's done its job. Protect and nurture the self ladies, we all get to live this one life. Let's live this life to it's fullest potential.