center for true harmony wellness & Medicine

pregnancy care & support

Pregnancy Care & Support in Mesa, AZ

pregnancy care & support


Included in the doula services is the initial meeting, a prenatal appointment between 35-36 weeks, and ongoing support throughout the pregnancy. This includes providing resources and recommendations for anything that the client may need. Jules offers continuous doula support during labor and birth, photography during labor and delivery and those first few hours after birth, a postpartum visit, and a written birth story of all the details of the birth.

Meet Jules!

Julie Sullivan Fields is a holistic health practitioner offering Doula Services, Placenta Encapsulation, Pre-Natal Massage, Usui Reiki Master “Energy Work”, Oneness Blessings, and Reflexology. ​ Jules recognizes childbirth as a key life experience in a woman’s life, and consider it a blessing to be a part of this passage. As a doula, Jules embraces each woman’s personal dream birth and support her before, during, and after with the emotional and physical assistance needed. Additionally, Jules is educated in today’s options and choices so she can make the best decisions along the birthing journey. Jules is a certified HypnoBirthing®.

Placenta Encapsulation

Placental encapsulation is the practice of ingesting the placenta after it has been dehydrated, ground, and placed into pills. Traditionally, then taken by the mother and is believed to bring numerous health benefits. It is normally taken shortly after giving birth, during a woman’s menstrual period, many believe that it helps counter some of the symptoms of menopause. Substantial studies on Placentophagy protocol in management of postpartum: “Giving…placenta to a new mother following birth has become standard protocol among a growing number of midwives in the United States. By nourishing the blood and fluids, endocrine glands and organs, Placenta will … reduce or stop postpartum bleeding, speed up recovery, boost energy and relieve postpartum blues.” Homes, Peter. 1993. Jade Remedies, Snow Lotus Press, 352.

Some of the benefits of placenta encapsulation include:

– Reduces chance of “baby blues” and postpartum depression

– Increases breast milk production

– Provides natural pain relief from the labor and birthing process

– Increases oxytocin levels (the love hormone that promotes bonding and well being)

– Decreases infection and enhances wound healing

– Reduces postpartum bleeding

Placenta Encapsulation - Non Client Rate - Package: $175.00

Placenta Encapsulation - HypnoBirthing®, Doula, Dr. Brass- Jones Client Rate - Package: $150.00

"Placenta encapsulation really works! I've struggled with depression all my life and severe postpartum with my first 3 children. It was so well priced it seemed worth a shot. I am absolutely AMAZED by the results!! By using it faithfully I nearly eliminated postpartum depression during my fourth child!! When my baby was just over 8 months old I had a crash into depression. I began taking my placenta tincture and started feeling a bit better over the next few days. Then a few days later I started my cycle for the first time since I conceived my baby. With the help of the placenta tincture the depression cleared up completely again! Now I have a real tool, that is good for my body and helps me stay uplifted and feeling awesome!! -Sara from AZ"


HypnoBirthing® HypnoBirthing®, The Mongan Method, is considered the “Gold Standard” of birthing with hypnosis. It is a childbirth education method that empowers women to achieve more gentle, natural births. It is both a philosophy and a set of tools for using self- hypnosis techniques and scripts to achieve a focused awareness and level of relaxation that allows for a much more comfortable, easy birth. With HypnoBirthing® participants are in a trance or sleep state, aware and fully in control but profoundly relaxed.The course is taught over five weeks in 2.5 hour class sessions. Pregnant women attend the classes with their support person — husband, life partner, other family member, doula, labor companion, etc. Some of the benefits of HypnoBirthing® include: – Teaches deep levels of relaxation to eliminate the fear that causes tension and pain – Greatly reduces and often eliminates the need for chemical painkillers and drugs – Gives the birthing companion an integral role in the birthing – Embraces the concept of pre-birth parenting HypnoBirthing® Package: $300.00

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